How to deposit and withdraw Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies?

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Investing in cryptocurrency in recent years has become a way to increase wealth, however, beginners often do not know how to deposit Bitcoin and how to withdraw cryptocurrencies . Although Bitcoin, Litecoin and other digital money have no physical counterpart, each Bitcoin is reflected in the so-called fiat currencies, i.e. dollars, euros or Polish zlotys. So how do you deposit cryptocurrencies and withdraw Bitcoin tax-free and anonymously?

How to deposit cryptocurrencies?

To obtain cryptocurrencies, you need to register on the exchange and buy them from other users or use the Bitcoin exchange. You can use quick transfers or BLIK payments to buy Bitcoin - thanks to them, for a specific amount, you will receive a specific amount of Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency.

How to withdraw Bitcoins?

Bitcoins on our account on the exchange are in the form of a digital code. But what to do to convert this code into real funds, for example in Polish currency in our portfolio? For this purpose, you can choose several solutions. One of them is the sale of Bitcoin on the exchange for which the buyer is willing to pay a certain amount . Then the funds stored on the stock exchange or in the wallet can be transferred to the account by ordering a transfer in the exchange system. Another option is to withdraw funds at an ATM using BLIK payments . For many, it is the simplest and fastest form of Bitcoin withdrawal, which does not require providing personal data when using BLIK payments. It is enough to have a mobile phone or a special stock exchange application with you.

Fast cryptocurrency exchange

Take advantage of the Egera exchange, which allows a quick exchange of cryptocurrencies - buying and selling them from other users . We provide data verification taking up to a few minutes, as well as safe and quick Bitcoin purchases and money transfers to your account or ATM withdrawals. Please contact us!

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